HuntingStats378's Rules
YouTube Chat Rules
English ONLY
its easier for moderators
NO begging for MOD
you only get it though NOT asking
NO begging to be on screen
its hard and not worth it for me (doesn't apply for fysc)
NO offensive profanity
"offensive" means if its targeted at someone
NO spamming unless its at a milestone
10 messages max (im not very strict with this one)
NO begging for stuff
you can suggest stuff here assuming you are in the discord server
NO wasting others' time (including me)
on purpose
NO confusing others (including me)
on purpose
FYSC Rules
Always listen to HuntingStats378
i don't make many mistakes in explaining
NO begging for absurd subscriber rates
over normal rates
NO begging to be on screen
if you do everything i tell you you will already be on there.
use common sense
you won't get anywhere without it.
NO spamming unless its at a milestone
10 messages max (im not very strict with this one)
NO begging for new commands with absurd rates
you can suggest stuff here assuming you are in the discord server
NO wasting others' time (including me)
on purpose
NO confusing others (including me)
on purpose
Discord Chat Rules
English ONLY
its easier for moderators
NO begging for MOD
you only get it though NOT asking
NO begging to be on stream
its hard and not worth it for me (doesn't apply for fysc)
NO offensive profanity
"offensive" means if its targeted at someone
USE discord channels as intended
the point will always be in the name
NO spamming unless its at a milestone
10 messages max (im not very strict with this one) completely allowed in #spam
NO self promotion
only promote in #self-promo
NO wasting others' time (including me)
on purpose
NO nsfw images
text is allowed in most cases (im not strict about text)
USE common sense
you won't get anywhere without it.
NO confusing others (including me)
on purpose
FOLLOW the discord guidelines